Calathea Maui Queen Care and Overview

There are many types of plants in nature and one of them is Calathea Maui Queen. This plant is a member of the Marantaceae family. Through this article, you will learn how to take care of Calathea Maui Queen. So that it can be kept in your homes for a long time and this plant continues to enhance the beauty of homes and offices.

Calathea Maui Queen Overview

Calathea Maui Queen, Calathea, Maui Queen, Calathea Maui Queen overview

This plant belongs to the rain forests of tropical Brazil, this plant grows under large plants where sunlight cannot reach. However, due to the change in weather, this plant is now rarely seen in the forests.

Calathea Maui Queen is an indoor plant. Which people keep to decorate their homes and offices. This plant likes high humidity. Also, bright light is considered the most ideal for this. This plant is known by many other names such as Calathea Maui Queen, Calathea Louisae Maui Queen, Goeppertia Louisae Maui Queen, Prayer Plants, Peacock Plants, etc.

Dark green leaves which are almost rectangular in shape make the plant more beautiful. When you look at its leaves, you will see that there are white and cream color designs in the middle of its leaves, which are made from the beginning of the leaf to the end of the leaf. And the back of the leaves is completely purple in color. With the right care, Calathea Maui Queen can grow up to 3 feet high and 3 feet wide.

Calathea Maui Queen Care

Calathea Maui Queen, Calathea, Maui Queen, Calathea Maui Queen, Calathea louisae Maui Queen, Goeppertia louisae Maui Queen
  • Light

It is an inhabitant of the rain forests of tropical Brazil. Where it is protected from direct sunlight. This plant prefers bright light or filtered light only. It cannot stand the direct light of the sun. If the sunlight falls on it, then its leaves have a bad effect due to which its leaves lose their natural color. And in a few days the leaves start scorching.

  • Temperature

Calathea Maui Queen prefers a consistent temperature range of 65 - 85°F. The climate around your home is always changing, so this can be a challenge. If the winter season is going on, then keep it away from the window or door, otherwise due to the coldness in the weather, it may get shocked and its growth may stop completely. And keep it away from air conditioning vents in summer. Otherwise dry air can bring dryness in its leaves.

  • Water

Watering on time is mandatory for this, otherwise its leaves will turn yellow due to lack of water. Before watering, make sure that the top layer of the soil is dry. Calathea Maui Queen likes more moisture, but due to the accumulation of more water in the pot, the roots can rot. Therefore, choose a pot that has some small holes at the bottom for water drainage so that water can come out when there is more water.

  • Humidity

Calathea Maui Queen cannot survive without high humidity. It always needs 50 to 70% humidity. If the leaves are losing their natural color or are burning, then understand that the plant is not getting the moisture it needs. To improve this, you should keep the plant with more plants. If there are no more plants in your house, then keep a tray near the plant in which small pieces of water and leaves are present. Doing this will make the plant feel better.

  • Fertilizer

In the initial days, no fertilizer is required but when you are 4 to 5 months old, you can use fertilizer. While using fertilizer, it is important to keep in mind that the fertilizer is not in excess.  And always keep the compost a little away from the root so that there is no harm to the root. By giving fertilizer, growth is seen in the plant. And the plants look more beautiful than before.
  • Pruning
Pruning is sometimes necessary for the plant when you feel that the leaves are turning brown or the leaves are touching the soil and the leaves are getting damaged due to this, then you can cut the leaves by choosing that leaf. Always use something scissors or cutters to cut the leaves.
  • Soil
While selecting the soil for Calathea Maui Queen, make sure that the soil contains all the organic elements. Also the soil should be light and airy. And has the ability to absorb water. The perfect mix of soil is considered to be 50% potting soil and the rest 20% orchid bark, 20% activated charcoal, 10% perlite.


According to me, Calathea Maui Queen can be better for those who already have a little experience of indoor plant, while buying this plant, keep in mind that there are already some leaves on the plant. The temperature for the plant should be constant at 60 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You always have to give water at the right time. And whatever I have told in this article, you can follow it so that your plant will grow well. And will live for a long time, the partner will always feel good and look beautiful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Calathea Maui Queen

1. What is Calathea Maui Queen?

Calathea Maui Queen, scientifically known as Calathea roseopicta 'Maui Queen,' is a popular tropical houseplant admired for its striking foliage and unique patterns. It belongs to the Marantaceae family and is cherished for its vibrant colors and distinct decorative appeal.

2. How can I care for Calathea Maui Queen?

Caring for Calathea Maui Queen involves providing it with the right conditions. Keep it in a location with bright, indirect light. Maintain a consistent temperature between 65-80°F (18-27°C) and moderate humidity levels. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

3. Can I place my Calathea Maui Queen in direct sunlight?

No, Calathea Maui Queen prefers indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its delicate leaves and lead to leaf damage. Filtered or dappled sunlight is ideal for maintaining the plant's vibrant appearance.

4. How often should I water my Calathea Maui Queen?

Water your Calathea Maui Queen when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It's important to maintain consistent moisture in the soil but avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Adjust your watering frequency based on the season and humidity levels in your home.

5. How do I increase humidity for my Calathea Maui Queen?

Calathea Maui Queen thrives in high humidity environments. You can increase humidity by misting the plant's leaves regularly, placing a tray of water near the plant, using a room humidifier, or creating a pebble tray. Ensure proper air circulation to prevent mold or fungal issues.

6. Can I fertilize my Calathea Maui Queen?

Yes, you can fertilize your Calathea Maui Queen during the growing season (spring and summer) using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength and feed the plant every 4-6 weeks.

7. How should I repot my Calathea Maui Queen?

Repot your Calathea Maui Queen when it becomes root-bound, usually every 1-2 years. Gently remove the plant from its current pot, tease apart the roots, and place it in the new pot at the same depth. Water thoroughly after repotting.

8. Why are the leaves of my Calathea Maui Queen turning brown at the edges?

Brown leaf edges, often referred to as "leaf burn," can be caused by low humidity, excessive sunlight, or inconsistent watering. Make sure your plant is receiving adequate humidity, indirect light, and consistent moisture to prevent this issue.

9. Is Calathea Maui Queen safe for pets?

Calathea Maui Queen is considered non-toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. However, it's always a good practice to keep plants out of reach of pets to prevent accidental ingestion.

10. How do I propagate Calathea Maui Queen?

Calathea Maui Queen can be propagated through division during its repotting period. Gently separate the plant into smaller sections, ensuring each section has healthy roots and leaves. Plant these divisions in separate pots with appropriate soil and care for them as you would with a mature plant.

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