Calathea brenesii Plant: Know All About And Care

What is Calathea brenesii?

Calathea brenesii is a stunning tropical plant. Which is known for its unique and attractive leaves. It belongs to the Marantaceae family, which includes some of the most beautiful indoor plants. Calathea brenesii is native to Costa Rica, where it grows in rainforests, but it has become a popular houseplant around the world because of its attractive appearance. Today in this article, we will tell you how you can keep this plant safe in your home. And what kind of environment does it need.


Calathea brenesii has elliptical leaves with a dark green background and pinkish-white streaks that make it look even more beautiful. which run parallel to the veins. The leaves are velvety and grow up to 12 inches in length. The underside of the leaves has a beautiful shade of maroon, which makes the plant even more attractive. The plant produces small white flowers that are not particularly showy.


Calathea brenesii Plant Care

Lighting Requirements

The Calathea brenesii plant prefers bright, indirect light, but is also tolerant of low light conditions. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause them to curl. Therefore, it is best to place the plant near a window that receives bright, indirect light or fluorescent light. If the leaves begin to wilt, it may be a sign that the plant is not getting enough light.


Regular watering is necessary to keep the soil moist, but there is no water to fill the pot. Over-watering can lead to root rot, which is the most common problem for this plant. On the other hand, if the soil becomes too dry, the leaves will wilt. It is important to water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Calathea brenesii also benefits from high humidity, which can be achieved by placing a humidifier near the plant or spraying regularly.


The plant prefers warm and humid conditions very similar to its natural habitat. The ideal temperature range for this plant is between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C).


Don't place the plant in drafty areas or near air conditioning vents, as this dries out the leaves. To maintain the humidity level, place a tray of water near the plant. So that moisture remains near you.


As for soil, prefers well-draining soil rich in organic matter. A mixture of peat moss, perlite and sand is required for this plant.


Fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps promote healthy growth. Excessive fertilization of the plant should be avoided.


Calathea brenesii is propagated through division or stem cuttings. To propagate through division, gently remove the plant from its pot and separate the roots and leaves into two or more plants. Each plant should have a good root system and at least three leaves. To propagate via stem cuttings, select a healthy stem with a few leaves. And cut it just below the node. Cut the stem with well-draining soil and keep it moist until new growth appears.


Calathea brenesii is a beautiful and attractive houseplant that does require some care and attention. With the right growing conditions, this plant thrives easily and adds a touch of tropical beauty to any indoor space.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I care for Calathea Brenesii?

Caring for Calathea Brenesii requires some attention to detail. Place it in a spot with bright, indirect light. Keep the temperature around 65-80°F (18-27°C) and maintain moderate humidity. Water when the top inch of soil feels slightly dry, ensuring the soil remains evenly moist.

Can I expose Calathea Brenesii to direct sunlight?

No, Calathea Brenesii prefers indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves and affect its appearance. Opt for filtered or shaded light to maintain its vibrant foliage.

How often should I water Calathea Brenesii?

Water your Calathea Brenesii when the top inch of soil becomes slightly dry. Keep the soil consistently moist but avoid overwatering. Adjust your watering frequency based on the season and the humidity levels in your home.

How can I increase humidity for Calathea Brenesii?

Calathea Brenesii thrives in higher humidity environments. Mist its leaves regularly, place a tray of water nearby, use a humidifier, or create a humidity-enhancing pebble tray. Adequate air circulation is important to prevent mold growth.

Can I fertilize Calathea Brenesii?

Yes, you can fertilize Calathea Brenesii during its active growth period (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at half the recommended strength every 4-6 weeks. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months when its growth slows down.

How should I repot Calathea Brenesii?

Repot Calathea Brenesii when it outgrows its current pot, typically every 1-2 years. Opt for a slightly larger pot with good drainage and use well-draining soil. Gently transplant the plant at the same depth and water thoroughly after repotting.

Why are the leaves of my Calathea Brenesii curling?

Curling leaves could be due to low humidity, inadequate watering, or exposure to drafts. Ensure proper humidity levels, water consistently, and protect the plant from direct drafts to prevent this issue.

Is Calathea Brenesii safe for pets?

Yes, Calathea Brenesii is considered non-toxic to cats, dogs, and humans. However, it's still a good idea to keep pets from nibbling on its leaves.

Can I propagate Calathea Brenesii?

Yes, you can propagate Calathea Brenesii through division. During repotting, gently separate the plant into sections with healthy roots and leaves. Plant these divisions in separate pots and provide the same care as you would for mature plants.

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