Calathea freddie: Care, Guide and Pro Tips


Calathea freddie,

Calathea freddie is one of those plants that people like to keep in their homes and offices. If you have bought Calathea Freddie and you are wondering how to maintain it, then now you do not have to wander much, you have come to the right article, how to keep Calathea Freddie safe in your homes and what should be done to grow it, you will find answers to all these questions in this article, then definitely read the article completely.

Calathea freddie Details

Calathea Freddie once became addicted. Then you would love to put us in front of your eyes. Calathea freddie is found in the southern regions of the Americas and in the rainforests of Brazil. It is part of the species Calathea It is a house plant that is more popular due to its beautiful leaves. Its leaves can be from two to three in shape. Its leaves are round in shape.  And on top of its leaves, there is a bright and green color in the stripe, it is a little difficult to take care of this plant, but after knowing about it completely, it will be easy for you.

This plant prefers constant moist soil as well as heat If the summer season is going on then you have to water at least two or three times a week. And if the winter season is going on then you can give water once a week. Before watering, make sure that there is not much moisture in the soil. You should choose such a pot so that water can come out easily so that the problem of water rot in the plants is eliminated.

Calathea freddie Care and Guide

This plant prefers constant moist soil as well as heat If the summer season is going on then you have to water at least two or three times a week. And if the winter season is going on then you can give water once a week. Before watering, make sure that there is not much moisture in the soil. You should choose such a pot so that water can come out easily so that the problem of water rot in the plants is eliminated.

Calathea freddie,
  • Light

Like every calathea plant, Calathea Freddie also likes light but not direct sunlight, if there is direct sunlight on it, its leaves will gradually turn brown and then it will burn completely, so make sure that your plant stays away from sunlight. Especially afternoon light because the afternoon light is very harsh and can cause many damage to the plant.

You can place your plant in a place where there is bright light throughout the day. But do not keep it in the window or at the gate of your house.

  • Soil

Calathea Freddie needs a whole lot of clay with perfect nutrients. Many people plant the plant in the soil around their house, due to which the plant gets spoiled in no time. Because the plant is in a small pot and the soil should be rich in nutrients and organic matter.

If you do not have such soil around you then you can buy online and then plant your plant in that soil While buying soil, keep in mind that it has a moderate ability to keep more moisture, this reduces the risk of root road of the plant.
  • Temprature

Temperature is an important part for Calathea freddie, your plant does not like too much cold, hanuman, this plant can like temperatures between 65°-85° the most. Generally, one can tolerate a cold of at least 5 degrees Celsius, if it goes below this or the plant will be completely damaged.

If the temperature around your house is always fluctuating, then it can be problematic for your plant, you should make sure that the temperature of the place where you are going to keep this plant is stable or its leaves will start turning from the side. you have a heater or air conditioner in your house, then you should avoid keeping this plant in that place.

Because dry air will have an adverse effect on its leaves, if the summer season is going on and the temperature outside is slightly higher, then you can keep some trays of water around it. So that humidity will remain in the surrounding environment. And your plant will get enough cover.

  • Fertilizer

As you know that all plants get their food and necessary energy from sunlight, so you do not need a fertilizer from Calathea Freddie. But in some cases you may have to use fertilizer because in the initial days you plant your plant with fresh soil, then the necessary elements are present in that soil which makes the plant work but does not have an effect for a long time.

When you guys plant your plant again in a new pot, you should use a little organic fertilizer at that time. Because the plant moves from one pot to another, at this time you get a little fertilizer for the growth of the plant and it grows easily.

Is it safe for kids and dogs

Calathea Freddie is completely safe for children and dogs. There are no toxins in this plant. If the dog, cat or your child accidentally touches or eats its leaves, then there is nothing to fear. This will not cause any harm to any member of your household.

Pro Tips

  1. If your plant has any kind of problem then you can contact us.
  2. When you feel that the leaves are drying or changing the color, then you should give water.
  3. Give fertilizer to your plant every three to four months.
  4. Within two to three years Calathea Freddie had planted a new pot larger than the previous.
  5. Choose a better bright room for the natural growth of the plant.
  6. In the summer, keep the plant in a place where the environment is humid.

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