Calathea Fusion White Full Details

Calathea Fusion White is an indoor plant, most people are crazy about its leaf pattern, you can use it to decorate your home or office, in this article, we will tell you how to take care of the Calathea Fusion White plant.

Along with this, we will also tell you some tips so that your plant looks beautiful for a long time and stays alive, so read the article completely.

Quick Details

Scientific Name Calathea lietzei ‘Fusion White’
Botanical Name Calathea lietzei
Common Name Calathea White Fusion, Peacock Plant
Light Bright indirect sunlight
Temperature 15 to 26ºC
Humidity 75-85%
Soil Type quick-draining
Soil pH 6.5
Fertilizing spring and summer
Bloom Time Summer
Repotting Every 1-2 years
Flower Color Yellow, purple, white
Toxicity Non toxic
Size 12 to 24 inches
Family Marantaceae

Calathea Fusion White Overview

Calathea Fusion White, Calathea, Fusion White


Calathea fusions are part of the white Marantaceae family. This plant was discovered by humans in the forests of Brazil in 2007. After that people started keeping it in their homes. You may have heard many of its names such as Calathea White Fusion, Peacock Plant, Zebra, or Rattlesnake etc.

Caring for Calathea Fusion White can be a bit more difficult than the rest of the calathea plant. Flowers also bloom in the plant, but this has often been seen in jaglo. But flowers are difficult to bloom indoors.

The leaves of Calathea Fusion White are the most attractive. Its leaves have wide spots of bright white and green color and magenta color is found in the back which makes it very beautiful.

You can easily place this plant anywhere in the house where there is no direct light from the sun. It is completely poison-free, it will not cause any problem to any survivors or animals.

How to Care Calathea Fusion White?

Calathea Fusion White, Calathea, Fusion White


There are a few things to keep in mind for the care of Calathea Fusion White. For example, the plant likes moist soil and high humidity and you can keep the plant in sunlight for a long time but not for a long time. High temperatures can be dangerous for the plant.

If dust or soil accumulates on the plant, always clean it, by doing this, the plant will feel better and it will be able to breathe easily. Apart from this, it is necessary to water on time, otherwise the leaves will start burning from the side.

  • Light

It is native to tropical rainforests where high humidity is found. It grows under a large tree where sunlight does not reach or the light falls for a short time. That's why keep it in a place where direct sunlight comes for a short time and 7 to 8 runs bright light stays in that room.

Keep Calathea Fusion White away from windows and doors where direct sunlight comes in. If the plant is exposed to the sun for a long time, the leaves will become dry and lose its natural color. And after a few days it will start burning.

  • Water

Calathea Fusion White is found in tropical rain forests where it rains from time to time. And soon the water flows towards the rivers. This also provides water to the plant and moisture remains in the soil.

Always keep a gap of 4 to 5 days for irrigation of plants. Before watering, make sure that the top layer of the soil is dry.

Due to excessive water, there can be a common problem like rotting bacteria fungus in the roots of the plant. Which can cause damage to the plant. Therefore, choose a pot that has drainage facility when there is more water.

Use rain water for irrigation or you can add filtered water. If you want to add tap water, leave the water overnight and then use that water for irrigation in the morning.

  • Soil

You can choose a soil that absorbs water inside itself and expels more water. Therefore, you can use African violet soil, it absorbs soil water easily. And it removes more water. And easily available nearby.

The soil around the house has more denses that are not able to absorb water. If you want, you can make a clay mixture of Calathea Fusion White by yourself. You can make a mixture of perlite, bark and potting clay in equal proportions. It is also a good option for the plant. Keep in mind that the pH value of the soil is 6.5.

  • Temperature

60°F to 80°F (15 to 26ºC) is the ideal temperature for calathea fusion white. If the temperature is going below 50°F, the plant may suffer damage and its growth rate will stop completely. Apart from this, if the temperature goes above 90 °F, the leaf of the plant will start burning from the side and lose its natural color.

Keep the plant in a place where the temperature is always constant, if the temperature keeps decreasing, then it can cause damage to the plant, such as if the temperature of your house is correct during the day and the temperature suddenly decreases at night, then the plant can be damaged. Keep calathea fusion white away from heaters, air conditioners or coolers because sluggish air can spoil its leaves.

  • Humidity

Other calathea plants prefer humidity of about 70%, but calathea fusion white requires 75-85% humidity and is the most challenging. Because this kind of humidity is found in almost a few homes.

You can use a humidifier to create moderate humidity. Or you have to choose such a place in your house where some plants are already present or you can keep a tray containing water and small stones to keep the humidity near the plant equal. Apart from this, always kept spraying water on the leaves for a few days.

  • Fertilizer

When the spring and summer season starts, you can start using fertilizer, use the fertilizer once or twice a month. Do not use fertilizer in winter.

You should choose a fertilizer that contains nitrogen.  Before adding fertilizer to the plant, reduce the fertilizer capacity in half.

If you do not want to use fertilizer, then a good option for you can be seaweed or fish emulsions. This will not cause any harm to the plant.

  • Growth rate 

Calathea fusion white grows faster than other calathea plants. With proper care, this plant becomes 24 inches long and 18 inches wide with its max speed.

  • Propagation


Calathea Fusion White, Calathea, Fusion White

Propagation for the Calathea Fusion White plant is a relatively easy process. Before splitting, ensure that the age of the plant is less than 1 year. And some small plants have grown near the roots. You can propagation it by three ways.

  • Seed
  • Stem
  • Root

By splitting, the plant gets very good growth. During this time, your plant will appear empty for a few days, but in a few days it will start getting better again.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to propagate this beautiful plant:

  1. Choose a healthy, mature Calathia 'White Fusion' plant with multiple stems or clusters of leaves.
  2. Carefully remove the plant from its pot, taking care not to damage the roots.
  3. Gently separate the root ball into two or more sections, making sure each division has a good chunk of roots and stems.
  4. Plant each division in a separate pot filled with well-flowing potting mixture, and cover the roots well but the stems are above the surface of the soil
  5. Water the newly divided plants well and place them in a warm, moist place with indirect light.
  6. Maintain high humidity by covering newly propagated plants with a plastic bag or using a humidifier. Mist the leaves regularly to keep them moist.
  7. Over time, divisions will develop their own root system and establish themselves as separate plants.

Stem Cutting:

  1. Choose a healthy, unflowering stem from the original plant. Look for a stem with multiple leaves and nodes (the points where the leaves connect to the stem).
  2. Using a clean, sharp knife or scissors, make a clean cut just below the node.
  3. Remove any leaves from the lower half of the bite to expose the nodes.
  4. Alternatively, you can dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder to promote root growth, although calathia usually takes root well without it.
  5. Prepare a small pot with a potting mix that drains water well. Which is 3- or 4-6 inch pot.
  6. Make a hole in the soil with a pencil or your finger and gently place the cut end of the stem into the hole. Firmly press the soil around the stem to secure it in place.
  7. Water the cutting well and cover it with a plastic bag or use a propagutor to create a moist environment.
  8. Keep the pot in a warm, bright area, away from direct sunlight. Aim for a temperature of about 60°F to 80°F (15 to 26ºC).
  9. After a few weeks, you will start to see new growth, indicating that the cutting has successfully taken root. At this point, you can gradually remove the plastic bag or propaguter and this you will see as a mature plant.

After a few weeks, you will start to see new growth, indicating that the cutting has successfully taken root. At this point, you can gradually remove the plastic bag or propaguter and this you will see as a mature plant.

  • Pet friend or enemy

Calathia 'White Fusion' is generally non-toxic to humans and pets. But it's always a good idea to keep it out of the reach of children and pets. Like any houseplant, it's a good thing to research specific plant toxicity levels and take precautions accordingly, especially if you have young children or pets in your home.


Calathia white fusion is a popular and visually brilliant plant known for its unique variety of leaves.  The plant has wide, oval leaves with complex patterns of white, green and pink, making it a highly sought-after choice for indoor plant enthusiasts. It thrives in moist environments with indirect or filtered light, making it an ideal choice for bathrooms or areas with high humidity. It prefers well-drained soil and regular watering, but it is important to avoid excessive watering, as this can lead to root rot.


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