Calathea leopardina: care and Guide

Calathea leopardina are among those beautiful plants. Which people like to keep in their homes because the patterns of its leaves are quite attractive. If you have this plant in your home. So you can learn about the care and guide of Calathea leopardina through this article. And in the last, you will also get a video that will clear all your dots. I hope that after reading the entire article, your plant does not have any kind of problem.

Quick Details:

Common names Calathea Leopardina, Shadow Plant,
Origin Tropical Latin America
Family Name Marantaceae
Plant height 2 Feet 2 - 2.5 Feet
Hardiness zone 9-11
Botanical name Goeppertia Concinna
Indoor or Outdoor plant Both
Temperature 65°F-85°F
Flower Color White
Sunlight Indirect or filtered sunlight
Water When the top inch of soil is dry
Humidity High humidity
Toxicity Not toxic for humans or animals
Soil Well-draining soil

Calathea leopardina: Details

Calathea leopardina, Calathea leopardina Details

Calathea leopardina is an indoor plant that is native to South America. It's very easy to see. Its leaves work to make it special. Its leaves are spear-shaped. The length of which ranges from 5 to 6. And the width can be from 2 to 3 inches. The color of the leaves is green and there is a dark green or purple mark on it. Which makes its leaves bold.

Likes high humidity very much. You can keep it as a decorative bastu in your home or office. They are a part of the Marantaceae family. If it is taken care of properly, this plant can grow up to 2 - 2.5 feet. And by watering at the right time, its leaves will never turn yellow and this plant will live for years and look beautiful.

Also Read: Calathea Concinna  Pro Tips For care

When it is night, its leaves turn automatically. And when it is morning, its leaves automatically become straight again and this process happens every day. And for this reason this plant is known as "prayer plant". This plant also has flowers that are yellow in color. But this flower has only been seen in jaglo. These flowers barely bloom inside the house.

How to take care of a Calathea leopardina?

Calathea Leopardina, Calathea Concinna, Maranta Leopardina, Shadow plant, Goeppertia Concinna

  • Sunlight

    Calathea leopardina likes very bright, but indirect sunlight. If filtered light falls on the plant regularly, then there is no harm to the plant. Another feature is that you can keep it in direct sunlight. But in any way, excessive or low amount of light can cause problems to the plant.

    If the window of your room is west or east, then it can be dangerous to keep the plant there. Make sure the plant is placed a few feet away from the north south window.

  • Water

    The plant needs balanced watering. Always check the humidity before watering. Because there can be a lot of problems due to excessive humidity. The first of which is the decay in the roots. So first put your finger 1 to 2 inches in the soil and see if you feel dry soil. So you can add water.

    After giving water, check that the water is not accumulating in the pot. Always choose a pot that has some small drainage holes so that water can come out.

  • Fertilizers

    If you use fertilizers for Calathea leopardina, it can significantly increase its growth. But it can sometimes become a threat to the plant and its side effects can also be seen, in which irritation and browning can be seen in the leaves of the plant.

    Make sure that whenever you are using compost, it is slightly away from the root of the plant. The best time to fertilize Calathea leopardina is in the spring and summer seasons.

  • Humidity

    This plant likes moisture up to 70 - 75%. Keep in mind that moisture does not reach less than 30%, if this happens, the plant will suffer a big setback and its leaves will start burning. In such a situation, you can use a humidifier.

    To maintain moisture in the plant, you can choose such a place in the house where there is always moisture such as bathroom etc. Apart from this, you can keep a tray filled with water and small leaves near the plant, this is also an effective way to maintain moisture. 

  • Temperature

    The most important part of caring for Calathea leopardina is to keep its temperature constant. The best temperature is 70 and 85 °F. If the temperature drops below 60°F by mistake, its leaves start losing their color. And the color of the leaves becomes brown. Growth stops completely. And when the temperature goes above 90 °F, the leaves will start wilting and the plant may suffer a major setback.

  • Soil

    When selecting the soil, make sure that it has the ability to absorb water. The plant prefers drainage and low-density soil.  By using too dense soil, the water will not be able to reach the roots.

    When making the mixture, the pH value of the soil is 6.5, which will see good growth in the plant.  The mixture contains 50% of potting soil and the remaining 20% orchid bark, 20% active charcoal, 10% perlite mixture is considered the most ideal. If the mixture of all these is correct, then there will be no problem of drainage in the soil and moisture will always remain in the roots of the plant.

  • Toxicity

    There is no toxicity in Calathea leopardina. This will not harm any member of your household. And not that the animal is in danger.

  • Pruning

    When some leaves of the plant are yellow, brown or bent down, then you can cut those leaves. Be careful not to use your hands when you cut the leaves. Always use a cutter or scissor.

  • Re-Potting

    For normal growth, you should do re-potting every one or two years. When you feel that the root of the plant is coming out of the pot. So at this time you should choose a large pot (which has good cheek clearance facility) and plant the plant. Spring is best for re-potting the plant.

     Also Read: Save the Dying Calethea Plant with These 7 Tips 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What's the Story Behind Calathea Leopardina?

Calathea Leopardina (Calathea leopardina) is a captivating tropical plant that's all about showcasing its unique leaf patterns. Belonging to the Marantaceae family, it brings a touch of the jungle into your living space with its eye-catching spots resembling those of a leopard.

2. How Can I Keep My Calathea Leopardina Happy and Healthy?

Caring for Calathea Leopardina doesn't have to be complicated. It thrives in bright, indirect light. Keep the temperature comfy between 65-80°F (18-27°C) and give it moderate humidity. Water when the top inch of soil feels a bit dry, making sure the soil stays evenly damp. Using well-draining soil helps avoid waterlogging.

3. Can I Let Some Sunlight In?

While Calathea Leopardina loves light, direct sunlight isn't its thing. Those beautiful leaves are delicate, and too much sun can fade their charm. Opt for softer, filtered light or a bit of shade to keep its vibrant leaf colors intact.

4. How Often Should I Water My Leafy Friend?

Let your Calathea Leopardina sip when the top inch of soil starts feeling a tad dry. Keeping the soil consistently moist is the goal, but don't go overboard – soggy soil isn't its cup of tea. Tailor your watering routine according to the season and the humidity levels indoors.

5. Any Tricks for Boosting Humidity?

Calathea Leopardina adores a humid environment. Keep those leaves misted regularly, place a water-filled tray nearby, invest in a humidifier, or set up a pebble tray to amp up the moisture. Just remember to let the air flow to prevent any unwelcome mold surprises.

6. Can I Treat My Plant to Some Fertilizer?

Absolutely, your Calathea Leopardina would appreciate a little feeding during its active times (spring and summer). Pick a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and go for half the recommended strength. Every 4-6 weeks is a good feeding rhythm – but give it a break during its winter downtime.

7. What's the Deal with Repotting?

When your Calathea Leopardina starts feeling cramped (usually every 1-2 years), it's time for a new pot. Choose one that's a bit roomier and has good drainage. During the repotting dance, give its roots some space, and keep it at the same depth in the new pot. Finish off with a thorough drink of water.

8. Help! My Plant's Leaves Are Browning at the Edges.

Those browning edges might be a result of low humidity, too much light, or an uneven watering routine. Up the humidity game, stick to gentler light, and aim for consistent watering to give your Calathea Leopardina the love it needs.

9. Pet-Friendly or Not?

Great news – Calathea Leopardina is a pet-friendly plant. While it won't harm your furry friends, it's still wise to keep it out of their reach to prevent any curious nibbles.

10. Can I Multiply the Joy?

You sure can! Come repotting time, gently divide your Calathea Leopardina into sections with healthy roots and leaves. Plant these divisions in separate pots, treat them like the big plant they are, and watch your plant family grow.

In Conclusion:

Embracing Calathea Leopardina's unique beauty is a journey of joy. By following these friendly care tips, you're not just keeping a plant – you're welcoming a charming piece of nature into your space. Remember, each plant has its quirks, so paying attention to what your Calathea Leopardina tells you will ensure it thrives and continues to dazzle with its wild leafy patterns.


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