Calathea zebrina: Care, Guide and Grow

Calathea zebrina,

Calathea zebrina is a plant that everyone can grow. If you don't know how to grow it. So you've come to the right page. Now you will not need to read a lot of videos and articles. You will learn the complete care guide and tips about Calathea zebrina in this article.

Callethia Zebrina Description

Calathea zebrina is an indoor plant or plant found in the tropical regions of America and Brazil. But due to the constant change in the environment, it is now difficult to find this plant in the forests. This plant cannot tolerate direct sunlight. The name of this plant is Calathea zebrina because just as there are white stripes on the body of the zebra, there are white stripes on its leaves as well.

You can plant Calathea zebrina in any month of the year. Its leaves are almost round in shape. And there are white colored stripes on it. This plant is a part of the Marantaceae species.

Their leaves are very sensitive.  If you keep this plant directly in the sun light, its leaves will turn within 5 to 10 minutes. And if it is accidentally in the sun all day, its leaves will burn. Calathea zebrina reaches its maximum height of 3 feet. And the maximum width can be 2 to 3 square feet.

Calathea zebrina: Care and Guide

Calathea zebrina,Calathea Care, Calathea zebrinaGuide
  • Temperature

Originally Calathea zebrina likes a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees Celsius but this plant needs a temperature of less than 15 degrees Celsius. Keep Calathea zebrina away from air conditioners and heaters. Otherwise, the swollen air can damage the plant. And zebrina leaves can be dried, so always choose a place where the temperature is constant.

  • Light

This plant is accustomed to bright light. But it can be threatened by direct rays of the sun, so always protect your plant from the sun's rays. Because this plant grows under the forest area from the beginning. Due to which direct light of the sun does not fall on it. And when the direct light of the sun falls on it, they are not able to withstand the sun's rays.

  • Water

Water Calathea zebrina at least twice a week in summer and at least once a week in winter. Before giving water, always check that some upper part of the soil is dry, if the water is present up to the upper part, then you can skip watering that day. Use filter water to water the plant or you can use rain water.

While giving water, make sure that there are holes in the bottom of the pot for water drainage. The pot should be a source of water drainage, otherwise water can accumulate in the roots. And this can cause rot in the roots.

  • Soil

While planting the plant in a pot, keep in mind that there must be a mixture of 2 parts peat and one part perlite in the soil, do not use the soil around your houses because sometimes all the nutrients are not present in the soil around the house. That's why you can order soil online for the plant or buy it from your nearest nursery.

  • Fertilizer

Basically Calathea zebrina does not require any kind of fertilizer but for balanced growth you can use a little balanced fertilizer in the summer season. This will also destroy the bacteria that thrive in the soil and help the plant to grow.

  • Re-potting

When the plant in the pot becomes 2 years or more old, then the plant should be planted again in the new pot. The new pot should be slightly larger than the old pot and in this pot you should use new soil and also use some manure so that there is no harm to the plant.

  • Humidity

Calathea zebrina likes moisture. But this may be the most difficult task for you. It is important to keep the environment around it cool, in the summer days, you keep it in a place of the house where there is always moisture.  Otherwise, keep a tray near the plant and put small stones in that tray and fill it with water so that the plant gets moisture. Apart from this, keep calathea zebrina with another plant to maintain moisture.

  • Pruning

Prune the leaves of Calathea zebrina should be pruned only when the color of the leaf becomes yellow or the leaves are touching the soil while swinging. Do not use your hand while cutting the leaves. Always use a cutter.

 What to do if Calathea zebrina leaves start burning?

There may be some main causes of leaf rotting. Therefore, you should always water the plant with a seduce and do not keep the plant in bright light for more than 6 to 8 hours. Apart from this, if you keep it in such a room. Where there is an AC or heater. So even in such a situation, the leaves start burning, the reason for this is that the temperature of the room always changes. And Calathea zebrina cannot cope with this change.

Pro Tips for Calathea zebrina

  • If the leaves start burning, then keep the plant in a dark room for a few days.
  • When the leaves start turning yellow, you should add water to the plant
  • Always maintain moisture in the environment around the plant
  • Choose a pot with better drainage so that the root of the plant is protected from rotting.
  • Always check the soil before watering to see if the soil is already wet


Is Calathea zebrina an indoor plant?

Yes, Calathea zebrina is an indoor plant and people like to keep it in their homes and in their offices.

Is Calathea a good indoor plant?

Yes, Calathea zebrina is a good Indore plant and it is quite beautiful in appearance, the white zebra-like stripes on its leaves make it even more beautiful.

Is Calathea zebrina easy to grow?

You can easily grow Calathea zebrina by keeping in mind things like light, temperature, water, soil, and fertilizer. If you are keeping an indoor plant for the first time, then it can be a little difficult for you.

Is Calathea good for the bedroom?

Before placing it in the bedroom, make sure that there is bright light in the bedroom for 6 to 8 hours and there is no air conditioner or heater in the bedroom

Can I water Calathea everyday?

No, Calathea zebrina does not need water every day, check whether the soil is dry by 1 to 2 inches before watering. If the soil is dry up to 2 inches then you should give water.

Can I spray water on Calathea leaves?

Yes, you can do exactly this, by doing this the plant will feel a little relaxed and it will look beautiful.


Finally, Calathea zebrina, also known as zebra plant, is an excellent and captivating addition to any indoor plant collection. With its striking zebra-like pattern on the leaves and attractive burgundy underside, this plant is sure to be the focal point of any space. The unique foliage, coupled with its air-purifying abilities, make it a popular one among plant enthusiasts and interior decorators.

Calathea zebrina care is relatively manageable, as it thrives in low to medium light conditions, making it suitable for a variety of indoor environments. However, it is essential to avoid direct sunlight, as this can cause leaf scorch and damage. Regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist, as well as occasional misting to increase humidity, will keep this plant happy and healthy.

One of the most attractive features of Calathea zebrina is its reactive leaves. During the day, the leaves remain open, showcasing their stunning patterns, while in the evening they gracefully close, as if resting. This distinctive behavior adds a dynamic aspect to the plant, making it a source of fascination for plant enthusiasts of all levels.

In addition to its visual appeal, Calathea zebrina also contributes to creating a healthy living environment. As an excellent air purifier, it helps remove harmful toxins from the air, improving indoor air quality and benefiting overall well-being.

In short, Calathea zebrina is a unique and attractive plant that brings a touch of beauty and nature to our homes and offices. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting your plant journey, Calathea zebrina is sure to delight and reward you with its timeless beauty and natural charm.

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