Calathea Goeppertia louisae: Beautiful Indoor Plant

Calathea Goeppertia louisae is a plant species that is part of the Marantaceae family. This plant has recently been classified. And on this basis it is known as Goeppertia Louisae. Calathea Goeppertia louisae is also commonly referred to as "Louis's Prayer Plant" or "Louisase's Maranta". It is a tropical plant native to the rain forests of Brazil. This plant is known for its attractive foliage and the pattern made on it.

The leaves of Calathea Goeppertia louisae are large, oval-shaped with dark green on them. There are beautiful silver-green patterns on the upper part of the leaves. And there is a reddish-purple color on the bottom. It seems that a painter has just painted its leaves.

Also Read: How to Treat Brown Spots and Holes on Calathea Leaves

Like other plants in the Marantaceae family, Calathea goeppertia louisae exhibits a unique behavior called nictinesti. In the evening or in low light, the leaves turn upwards. Which makes it look like praying hands.  Hence it is called the common name "prayer plant".

Goeppertia louisae Quick Details

Common Name Goeppertia louisae
Scientific Name Goeppertia louisae
Family Marantaceae
Native To Brazil
Light Requirements Indirect, medium to low light
Watering Moderate, keep soil moist but not soggy
Temperature 18-24°C (65-75°F)
Humidity High humidity, around 60-70%
Soil Type Well-draining, fertile soil
Propagation Division or stem cuttings

Calathea Goeppertia louisae Care


Calathea Goeppertia louisae,Calathea,Goeppertia louisae

Here are some care tips to ensure the health and proper care of Calathea Goeppertia louisae:

Light Requirement:
Calathea Goeppertia louisae likes filtered light. Keep it away from direct sunlight. Because its leaves are very tender, if direct sunlight falls on its leaves, the leaves can burn. You keep the plant in a room where there is light. But keep the plant away from windows exposed to direct sun.

Also Read: Save the Dying Calethea Plant with These 7 Tips

Water Requirement:
Keep the soil consistently moist. But always keep in mind that the soil should not be too wet. Whenever you go to water the plant, make sure that the first centimeter of the soil is dry. Always keep the temperature of the water for irrigation equal to the room temperature. After watering, check that there is no excess water left in the pot, if this happens, drain out the extra water or choose a pot that has drainage facility.

Humidity Requirement:
Calathea Goeppertia louisae grows in very humid environments. Creating humidity becomes a challenge in the summer. To increase humidity, you can place the plant on a pebble tray filled with water or use a humidifier. Regular misting of the leaves also helps in maintaining the moisture level.

Temperature Requirement:
Maintain the temperature for the plant between 18 and 24 degree Celsius. Sudden changes in temperature can harm the plant. So avoid exposing the plant to drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations. Because they can harm its health.

Soil Requirement:
Provide well-drained and fertile soil for Calathea Goeppertia louisae. A mixture of peat moss, perlite and/or orchid bark is ideal for good drainage. Avoid heavy soil that retains a lot of moisture. If you do not understand what kind of soil to use, then you can go to your nearest nursery or buy soil online according to the requirement of the plant.

Fertilization Requirement:
Feed the plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer formulated for indoor plants. Dilute the fertilizer in half and apply it every 2-4 weeks during the growing period (spring and summer). Reduce or stop fertilization during the dormant period (autumn and winter). Sudden growth is seen in the plant by giving fertilizers. But sometimes it proves to be dangerous. That's why always use fertilizer according to need.

Also Read: How to Treat Brown Spots and Holes on Calathea Leaves

Pruning Requirement:
Remove yellowed or damaged leaves regularly to maintain the health and overall appearance of Calathea Goeppertia louisae. You can cut the leaves at the base using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. It's a good idea to use sanitizer on tools when pruning.

Calathea Goeppertia louisae is propagated by division or cuttings. When dividing this plant, take care that each division has a healthy root system. For stem cuttings, take a cutting with a few knots and place it in moist soil or a container with water. And keep it till the roots develop.

Monitor the plant for common pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. If pests are present, treat them with an appropriate insecticidal soap or neem oil solution, following the directions on the product label.

Fix brown leaves on Calathea Goeppertia louisae in seven steps.

  1. Leave it in the open air overnight before using tap water.
  2. Maintain high humidity. Because due to lack of moisture, the edges of the leaves start turning brown.
  3. Give the plant filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight as it may cause brown spots to appear on the leaves.
  4. Calathea Medallion prefers temperatures between 18–24°C (65–75°F). Exposure to cold drafts or temperatures below 15°C (59°F) can cause leaves to turn brown.
  5. Overfertilizing or using the wrong type of fertilizer can cause the tips or edges of the leaves to turn brown.
  6. Examine your plant carefully for any signs of pest infestation such as spider mites or fungal diseases.
  7. If the brown leaves are badly damaged, you can prune them away using clean, sharp scissors or secateurs.

Also Read: How to Treat Brown Spots and Holes on Calathea Leaves

By following these steps, you can identify and address the factors contributing to your Calathea Goeppertia louisae leaf browning.


The Calathea Goepertia louisa plant is a unique and attractive addition to any indoor plant collection. Its attractive foliage, vibrant pattern and air-purifying abilities make it a popular favorite with plant enthusiasts. As a low-maintenance houseplant, it is an attractive choice for both experienced and novice gardeners. With its ability to thrive in indirect light and humid conditions, the Calathea Goepertia Lewise plant can be easily incorporated into a variety of interior spaces, bringing a touch of the beauty and tranquility of nature to homes and offices.

The unique pattern and deep green color of the Calathea Goepertia Lewis plant's leaves set it apart from other indoor plants, making it an eye-catching centerpiece and conversation starter. Its ability to fold its leaves at night and open them during the day adds a dynamic aspect to its appearance, creating an ever-changing display for plant enthusiasts to admire.

For those who want an eco-friendly and sustainable addition to their living space, the air-purifying properties of the Calathea Goepertia Lewis plant make it an excellent one. Its ability to remove toxins from the air helps create a healthier and fresher indoor environment, contributing to better health and overall air quality.

In conclusion, the Calathea Goepertia louisa plant is a delightful and attractive indoor plant that combines aesthetics, ease of care, and air-purifying benefits, making it an ideal choice for plant lovers looking to add a unique and rewarding planting to their homes Want to

Frequently Asked Question:

1. How do I take care of Calathea Goepertia Lewis plant?

Care for Calathea Goepertia lewis includes keeping it in indirect light, maintaining high humidity levels and watering it moderately. Avoid direct sunlight and cold drafts, as they can damage the plant. Spray foliage regularly and keep soil consistently moist

2. Can I keep Calathea Goepertia Lewise in a low light area?

Calathea Goepertia lewis prefers indirect light, it can tolerate low light conditions. However, the vibrant leaf patterns may fade in low light areas, so it's best to provide it with medium to bright indirect light for optimal growth and appearance.

3. How often should I fertilize my Calathea Goepertia Lewis plant?

During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize your Calathea Goeppertia Lewis once a month with a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. Reduce or stop fertilizing in winter when plant growth slows.

4. Are there any specific temperature requirements for this plant?

Calathea Goepertia lewis prefers temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Avoid keeping the plant in temperatures below 60°F (15°C) as this can cause stress and damage to the foliage.

5. How often should I repot my Calathea Goepertia Lewis plant?

Repot Calathea Goepertia Lewise every one to two years or when you notice that the roots have become overly congested. Spring is the ideal time to replant, using a slightly larger pot with well-draining soil.

6. Can I propagate my Calathea Goepertia Louise?

Yes, Calathea Goepertia Lewis can be propagated via division during repotting. Gently separate the plant into small clumps, making sure each section has healthy roots and leaves. Plant the divisions in individual pots with suitable soil and care for them as usual.

7. Is Calathea Goepertia lewis safe for pets?

Calathea Goepertia lewis is non-toxic to cats and dogs, making it a pet-friendly houseplant. However, it is still best to prevent pets from eating the leaves to avoid any potential gastrointestinal discomfort.

8. Why are the leaves of my Calathea Goepertia Lewis losing their vibrant colors?

Sluggish leaves in Calathea Goepertia Lewis are often a sign of insufficient light or low humidity. Make sure the plant gets enough indirect light and consider misting its leaves regularly to raise the humidity level.

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