Calathea Mia: Know About Care and Guide

Calathea Mia, Calathea Mia Details, Calathea plants

It is an indoor plant and is known as Calathea Mia. This plant is a beautiful part of the Marantaceae family. Its leaves are in the shape of eggs. And on top of the leaves, silver colored borders are made around the edge of the leaves. And the center of the leaf has dark green color and the lower parts of the leaves have magenta color.

Often people also know it by the name of prayer plant, the reason behind this is that the leaves automatically close at night. And as soon as morning comes, they open it again to collect the light. People know this process by the name of nyctinasti.



Calathea Mia flowers are often bright white. As the flower grows, its color becomes light pink. Flowers usually bloom only during summer. But it is difficult for this flower to bloom inside the house. The flower has three to five petals and is very beautiful to look at. The leaves of Calathea Mia are more attractive than the flowers.

Requirements for growing indoors

Water Needs

Always use filtered water for plant irrigation. If you are using tap water, then leave the water in the open air overnight and then use the water. In winter season you can give water once in a week and in summer you can give water 2 to 4 times a week.

Before giving water, make sure that the top layer of the soil has dried up to 1 to 1.5 inches. If there is too much water, you can remove it or choose such a pot which has the facility to take out when there is too much water. Because too much water can leave the root of the plant and it can harm the plant.

Sunlight Needs

Calathea Mia being a tropical plant, this plant likes shade. Keep Calathea Mia out of direct sunlight. Because coming in direct contact with the sun, its natural color will disappear from its leaves. And the leaves will slowly shrivel and burn. That's why always keep it away from sunlight. To keep Calathea Mia, you can choose such a place where there is no direct sunlight but there is bright light for 5 to 8 hours throughout the day.


No poison is found in Calathea Mia, but accidentally a member of your household has eaten it or a pet such as a dog or cat has eaten its leaves, then there may be problems like stomach upset or vomiting. In this case you can call on this number

for human
US (800) 222-1222.
for animal
US (888) 426-4435.


Calathea mia is a tropical plant.  Moisture content between 50 and 80% is needed. Due to less moisture than necessary, its growth can be hindered. And due to high humidity, the color of its leaves starts to turn yellow. And in a few days, the leaves fall from the tree.

Choose a room to uninstall the plant where there is constant moisture. It is best to control moisture, you water the plant regularly. Avoid placing the plant where there is an air conditioner or cooler.


Choosing the right soil for Calathea Mia becomes very important because if the soil is right then the plant will get more growth. Before making soil selection, ensure that the soil has good drainage facilities. And have the ability to absorb water. When making a soil mixture, mix perlite or vermiculite with cocoa coir as well as perlite or vermiculite in the soil because it contains all types of organic materials. If you are having trouble making this kind of clay mixture, then you can buy it from your nearest nursery or online.


Calathea Mia does not require any type of fertilizer. Remember that using fertilizer can accelerate plant growth a bit. But using too much fertilizer can cause its joints to rot. Whenever using fertilizer, reduce the power by half because plants get their nutrients from sunlight. If there is any kind of disease going on in the plant, then fertilizer can be used.


The ideal temperature for Calathea Mia is 65°F (18ºC) to 85°F (30°C). Frequent temperature fluctuations can shock the plant. Do check the temperature of the room where you want to keep the plant and try to make it ideal for the plant. This will not cause any harm to the plant.

How To Grow Calathea Mia Faster?

For Calathea Mia to grow quickly, you need to choose a soil that drains well. Too much water can cause root rot. And drainage is very important to avoid root rot. Calatheas like the soil to be moist so don't let the soil dry out for long periods of time. This species also prefers an acidic soil pH. If all the things are followed carefully then better growth will be seen in your plant.


What is Calathea Mia?

Calathea Mia is a specific variety of Calathea, which is a genus of tropical plants known for their decorative leaves. Calathea Mia is characterized by its vibrant green foliage with striking patterns and its ability to fold its leaves at night.

How do I care for Calathea Mia?

Calathea Mia requires a warm and humid environment, indirect light, and regular watering. It thrives in well-draining soil that retains some moisture but does not become waterlogged. It is important to avoid direct sunlight and cold drafts as they can damage the leaves. Additionally, misting the leaves or using a humidifier can help provide the necessary humidity.

How often should I water Calathea Mia?

Calathea Mia prefers to be kept consistently moist but not overly wet. It is generally recommended to water it when the top inch of soil feels dry. However, it is essential to monitor the plant's moisture needs and adjust watering accordingly, as environmental factors can influence the watering frequency.

Can I keep Calathea Mia in low light conditions?

While Calathea Mia prefers bright, indirect light, it can tolerate lower light conditions. However, it is important to strike a balance, as insufficient light can cause the plant to lose its vibrant colors and affect its overall health. Placing it in a well-lit room without direct sunlight is generally ideal.

How often should I fertilize Calathea Mia?

It is recommended to fertilize Calathea Mia once a month during the growing season, which is typically spring and summer. A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer specifically formulated for houseplants can be used at half the recommended strength. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months when the plant's growth slows down.

Why do the leaves of my Calathea Mia curl or droop?

Calathea Mia leaves may curl or droop as a response to environmental conditions. It is often an indication of underwatering, low humidity, or exposure to direct sunlight. Ensure that the plant is receiving adequate water, provide humidity through misting or a humidifier, and make sure it is not in direct sunlight to help prevent leaf curling or drooping.

How can I propagate Calathea Mia?

Calathea Mia can be propagated through division. To propagate, carefully remove the plant from its pot and separate the clumps into smaller sections, ensuring each section has roots. Plant the divisions in separate pots with well-draining soil, and provide them with the same care as mature plants. Propagation is best done during the growing season.

Are Calathea Mia plants safe for pets?

Calathea Mia plants are generally considered non-toxic to cats and dogs. However, it is always a good idea to monitor your pets around any houseplants and contact a veterinarian if you suspect your pet has ingested any part of the plant and is showing signs of illness.


In conclusion, the Calathea Mia is a captivating and unique plant that stands out among its botanical peers. Its striking foliage, characterized by intricate patterns and vibrant colors, adds a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any indoor space. As an avid lover of humidity, the Calathea Mia requires a bit more care and attention, making it a perfect companion for those willing to invest time and effort into nurturing its well-being.

Its ability to respond to environmental cues, with its leaves opening and closing in a rhythmic dance, creates an interactive and mesmerizing experience for plant enthusiasts. The Calathea Mia's distinct behavior not only serves as a source of entertainment but also serves as a barometer for the overall health of its surroundings.

While its care may be considered a bit more challenging compared to other houseplants, the rewards it offers in terms of aesthetic appeal and the satisfaction of maintaining a thriving plant are well worth it. Its presence can enliven any room, becoming a conversation starter and a source of admiration for both seasoned gardeners and those new to the world of plants.

In essence, the Calathea Mia is a testament to the diverse wonders of the natural world, showcasing the intricate interplay between plant and caretaker. As you embark on your journey with this captivating plant, you're not only welcoming a new addition to your home but also opening a door to a deeper connection with the beauty and complexity of the botanical realm.

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