How to Treat Brown Spots and Holes on Calathea Leaves

Brown Spots and Holes on Calathea Leaves, save calathea leaves,

If the leaves of your calathea plant are burning or brown spots have appeared on the leaves. And it's been a long time, but it hasn't been fixed yet. So you have come to the right page, in this guide I will tell you how you can fix it. And again give new life to your chalthea plant.

Before fixing the leaves, it has to be found out why the leaves of calathea are getting spoiled, in fact there can be many reasons for its leaf spoilage such as pests, spider mites, thrips, mealybugs, etc. Apart from this, diseases like crispy mildew and leaf spots can also cause brown spots and holes on the leaves.

These can cause brown spots and pores on calathea leaves.

Problem: More light

Solution: Excessive light has a negative effect on the calathea plant. Calathea is an indoor plant and needs bright light or filtered light, avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, as it has a negative effect on the leaves, so make sure it is given filtered light or moderate light.

Problem: Unnecessary water

Solution: Yellowing or browning can also be seen on the leaves due to excessive water or lack of water. And there can also be rot in the roots. If the summer season is going on, then you can give water two to three times a week. And if the winter season is going on, you can water three to four times a month, always make sure that the top layer of the soil is dry by 1 to 2 inches, if the water becomes too much, then you remove it or choose such a pot that has drainage facility.

Problem: Mites, Caterpillars, Scalles and Miley Bugs

Solution: It directly attacks the leaves and stems of the calathea, it first pierces the parts of the leaves and sucks its juice so that it gradually grows bigger and then it takes the shape of a brown colored spot. To avoid this, you can use soap, rubbing alcohol, or neem oil, besides you can use pesticides that you can buy online.

Pure Neem Oil for Plants

Miracle-Gro Leaf Shine, 8-Ounce Green

Problem: Dry Soil

Solution: Dry soil causes irritation, dryness, non-growth of new leaves, all these problems in the leaves of the plant, to avoid this, you should always maintain moisture in the soil, and choose the best quality soil that absorbs water, is light, is not too dense, and maintains constant moisture.

Problem: Flame and high humidity

Solution: Low humidity can also lead to many problems for the calathea plant, you can use a humidifier to maintain moisture because it can maintain a very good and plant-wise moisture. If you do not want to invest in a humidifier, then keep a tray near the plant in which water and some small stones are kept around the plant. There will be moisture in the atmosphere.

Due to high moisture, the natural color of the leaves of the plant starts disappearing and the color of the leaves becomes yellow and due to low moisture, the growth of the plant stops. Due to which there is a softness in the plant.


Once the leaves turn bad or its color turns yellow, it is impossible to recover it back to normal form, however, by applying the above mentioned guide correctly on the plant, you can completely cure the new growing leaves. Can. The newly grown leaves will be 100% normal and healthy. You can remove the old leaves which are burnt or have black spots on them by using scissors or cutter. Always use clean tools. Can be used by applying sanitizer.


1. What causes brown spots and holes on Calathea leaves?

Brown spots and holes on Calathea leaves are often caused by factors like overwatering, underwatering, low humidity levels, exposure to direct sunlight, pest infestations (such as spider mites or aphids), and fungal or bacterial infections.

2. How can I prevent brown spots and holes from forming on my Calathea leaves?

To prevent brown spots and holes, ensure proper watering by allowing the soil to slightly dry out between waterings. Maintain high humidity levels, avoid placing your Calathea in direct sunlight, regularly inspect your plant for pests, and provide good air circulation. Quarantine new plants before introducing them to your Calathea to prevent potential pest or disease issues.

3. How should I water my Calathea to prevent brown spots and holes?

Water your Calathea thoroughly but allow excess water to drain away. Avoid letting the plant sit in water, as this can lead to root rot and leaf problems.

4. Can I use tap water to water my Calathea?

It's better to use filtered, distilled, or dechlorinated water to prevent leaf damage. Allowing tap water to sit out for 24 hours before using it can help dissipate some of the harmful chemicals.

5. How do I increase humidity for my Calathea?

Mist the leaves regularly, use a humidity tray or room humidifier, group plants together, and place a bowl of water near the plant. You can also create a pebble tray by placing a shallow dish filled with water and pebbles near your Calathea – just make sure the plant's pot is sitting on the pebbles, not in the water.

6. What should I do if my Calathea has pest problems?

If you notice pests like spider mites, aphids, or mealybugs, isolate the affected plant immediately to prevent the infestation from spreading. Use a gentle insecticidal soap or neem oil spray to treat the pests, and consider wiping the leaves with a damp cloth to remove them.

7. How can I address fungal or bacterial issues causing brown spots and holes?

If you suspect a fungal or bacterial infection, trim affected leaves with sterilized pruning shears to prevent the spread. Improve air circulation around the plant, avoid overhead watering, and consider using a fungicidal treatment if the issue persists.

8. Can I save a Calathea with severe leaf damage?

If a significant portion of the plant is affected, it's best to focus on preventing further damage rather than attempting to save the existing leaves. Trim away severely damaged leaves to encourage new growth. Address the underlying issues causing the damage to ensure the health of new foliage.

9. Should I repot my Calathea if I suspect root issues?

If you suspect root problems, such as root rot, repot your Calathea into fresh, well-draining soil and a slightly larger pot. Gently remove the plant from its current pot, trim away any rotted roots, and replant in the new pot. Ensure proper watering practices to prevent future root issues.

10. When should I seek professional help for my Calathea's leaf problems?

If your efforts to address brown spots and holes on Calathea leaves are unsuccessful, or if the issue is spreading rapidly despite your interventions, it's advisable to consult with a plant professional or a local nursery. They can provide specific guidance based on the condition of your plant and local environmental factors.

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