How to Propagate Calathea Plants With Pro Tips

If you want to propagate your plant. Then you will be happy to know that you can do this yourself. It is very easy and simple to do this. In this article, we will guide you and tell you how you can grow your plant, as well as give some tips according to experience. With the help of which you will grow plants easily.

Calathea is an indoor plant that comes in many varieties. It is very popular for its beautiful leaf pattern. Found in the forests of America and Brazil, this plant rules many homes. The plant requires bright light and high humidity. Always keep in mind that it should not come in contact with the direct light of the sun as it can have negative effects.

How to Propagate Calathea Plants?

Propagate Calathea Plants, calathea, plants, Propagate

Whatever calathea plant you want to propagate, before that the age of the plant must be 2 years. And for a few days before propagating, kept giving water little by little so that it would be easy to separate the roots. Also your plant should have more than 7 leaves. You can propagate the plant when you repot the plant and the best time to do this is spring. When you plant the plant in a new pot, divide the roots of the plant at that time. Before dividing, clean the soil thoroughly from the roots. After that separate all the stems along with the roots. This has to be done very carefully, otherwise the roots can be negatively affected. Because the roots are very delicate and cannot withstand much stress.

Seeds are also found in many calathea plants. By separating which you can grow new plants. But I would recommend you to divide the roots. Because it is difficult to grow the plant by dividing it from the seeds. And division of roots is easy and it is also safe.

When you are propagating a calathea, use a new potting soil mix. And after propagation, put a little water in the plant and keep it in such a place where there is high humidity and filtered light for at least 5 hours. It can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks for the plant to grow to its full strength again. Till then you have to keep giving water on time. And when its age is 1.5 to 2 years then you can propagate again.

How to Propagate Calathea Plants?

how to propagate calathea plants infographic, infographic for calathea plants propagate, infographic
Here are 10 easy ways you can propagate the plant.

  1. Water the plant a day before propagating the plant, this will keep the soil moist and the soil will easily separate from the roots during propagation and this will make the plant feel less stressed.
  2. Before campaigning, gather all the things you need in one place. So that you don't have to spend much time searching for any item during promotion.
  3. Select a new pot for the plant that has small holes in the bottom of the pot for drainage. So that when there is excess water, the water comes out.
  4. Make a new soil mixture for the plant, in which you can use 2/3 peat moss and 1/3 perlite.
  5. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully cut a healthy stem from the mother plant just below a leaf node. A leaf node is the point where a leaf emerges from the stem. Make sure the cutting is about 4-6 inches long and has some leaves attached.
  6. Cut the lower leaves from the stem cutting, leaving only a few leaves at the top. This minimizes moisture loss and focuses the plant's energy on root development.
  7. Poke a small hole in the potting mix and gently insert the stem cutting into it. At least one leaf node should be submerged in the soil. Tamp the soil down firmly around it to provide stability.
  8. The stem that has been separated. Maintain an even level of moisture by misting the soil regularly or covering the plant with a plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse effect for it. Some new leaves are coming out in the plant then you remove the plastic.
  9. Keep the plant in a warm and moist environment with indirect light. Calathea plants prefer temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C) and high humidity.
  10. Keep a close eye on the cutting and take proper care of it. Avoid over-watering, as this can lead to rot. Instead, water the cuttings when the top inch of soil feels slightly dry. Within a few weeks, you should see new growth.

How big should a plant be before propagating?

The age of the calathea plant becomes 1 to 2 years and its leaves become at least 8 to 12 leaves and the roots start coming out of the pots, then it is a sign that you can propagate the plant properly, up to an average of 2 feet. It can be bigger depending on which variety of calathea you have bought. The best time for its division is early spring or summer season as these days the new leaves are starting to grow in the plant.

How many divisions can be done from a calathea plant?

How many divisions can be done from a calathea plant, calathea, calathea plant

Dividing a calathea depends on how large the plant is. Generally all plants are divided into two parts by separating the roots. If your plant is 3 to 4 years old, then it can be divided into three sections.

How to care for Calatheas after propagation?

When you propagate a calathea plant, care for it exactly as you were caring for the plant before division. After division, you have to give a little extra attention to the plant for one to one and a half months. During this, fielded light which is at least 5 hours a day is necessary.

Use filtered water for irrigation. If you are using tap water, keep it in the open air overnight before watering and then pour the water into the pot. If some water remains in the pot after watering, then remove it. Because giving too much water can cause the problem of root rot. The soil that you have used should be light and if there is excess water, it allows the water to come out. Use two parts peat or coco coir and one part perlite for the right soil mix.

The temperature of the place where you are going to keep the calathea plant should be from 65°F to 85°F, besides the humidity level should be from 50% to 80%. If there is any kind of excess error in temperature or humidity, then you can see its effect immediately in the plant. So take care carefully.

If the color of the leaves is turning yellow or brown, it means the plant is not getting enough water. Also avoid using tap water as calathea are sensitive to chemicals in public water systems. Even after 2 or 3 months, if your plant is not growing, then it may be due to temperature, so never let the temperature exceed 65°F and more than 85°F.

How long does it take to set up divisions of the calathea plant?

How long it will take for the calathea plant to re-establish depends on the care of the plant, if care is taken well, it is established in an average of 3 to 4 weeks and the plant starts growing again after regaining its old strength.

Common Calathea Propagation Problems

Common Calathea Propagation Problems,Propagation,

Calathea propagation can sometimes be difficult for the beginner, as these plants have specific requirements that must be followed for successful growth. Here are some common problems encountered when propagating Calathea:

Root rot: Calathea plants are prone to root rot if the soil remains wet for long periods of time. So try to let the soil dry a little first.

Fungal diseases: Calathea cuttings are susceptible to fungal infections, especially in conditions of high humidity. You can use fungicide as a preventive measure.

Lack of humidity: Calathea thrives in very moist environments. When propagating, it is essential to create a moist environment for root development. Can be covered with a plastic bag to retain moisture.

Inadequate Light: If plants do not get enough light, they cannot take root. And they will grow weak. Place the cutting in a location with bright, filtered light, away from direct sunlight.

Temperature extremes:
Calathea are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Extremely cold or hot temperatures can stress the cutting and inhibit root development.

Lack of Patience: Calatheas take time to develop after propagation, and it is important to be patient. It may take several weeks or even months for the cuttings to root and become established. so don't worry too much

By being aware of these common problems and taking the necessary precautions, you can have successful Calathea propagation.

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