Calathea Orbifolia Care and Complete Guide

Calathea orbifolia, This plant is one of the most beautiful of the calathea variants. There are lovers of its beauty all over the world. People buy it to decorate their homes and offices. Calathea orbifolia, also known as the round-leaf calathea, is a popular houseplant that belongs to the Marantaceae family. They are native to the tropical rainforests of South America, especially Brazil.

Calathea Orbifolia, Calathea Orbifolia plant, calthea, calthea plats,

Calathea orbifolia Overview

Calathia orbifolia has beautifully symmetrical, circular leaves that reach an impressive size of up to 12 inches (30 centimeters) in diameter. The leaves have a velvety texture. And there is a vibrant purple-red at the bottom. This color contrast adds to the visual appeal of the plant, making it an attractive plant for any indoor space.

The major feature of Calathia orbifolia is its complex leaf pattern. The leaves show a series of wide, silvery-green stripes that run parallel to the midrib, similar to an artist's delicate brushstroke. These patterns create a mesmerizing effect, adding a touch of elegance and refinement to the overall appearance of the plant.

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In addition to its visual appeal, Calathia orbifolia is also known for its air-purifying properties. Like other calathia species, it actively filters air. And releases oxygen by removing toxins. It is a good option for enhancing the indoor environment and promoting a healthy living space.

Care requires some attention to its specific needs. It thrives in bright light. Because sunlight can scorch its delicate leaves. It prefers a constantly moist environment, but does not like waterlogged soil, so it is necessary to water it regularly, so that the upper soil dries slightly between water. It is also important for this tropical plant to maintain high humidity levels. Calathea orbifolia can add a touch of tropical charm and natural beauty. Its unique foliage and air-purifying properties make it a highly sought-after houseplant, perfect for plant lovers who want to create an inviting and visually captivating indoor oasis.

Calathea Orbifolia Information

Attribute Description
Scientific Name Calathea Orbifolia
Common Names Giant Calathea, Round-Leaf Calathea
Family Marantaceae
Native to Bolivia
Light Requirements Indirect, medium to bright light
Watering Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.
Humidity Requires high humidity. Mist the leaves regularly or use a humidifier.
Temperature 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C)
Soil Well-draining, peat-based soil mix
Fertilizer Feed every 2-4 weeks during the growing season with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.
Propagation Divisions or stem cuttings
Pruning Remove any yellow or damaged leaves as needed.
Pests Watch for spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids. Treat infestations with appropriate insecticides.

How to care Calathea Orbifolia?

Calathea orbifolia is a bit difficult to care for compared to other calathea plants. Because it is as beautiful or fragile as it is. Below are some steps for Calathea Orbifolia care that you can follow:

Light Requirement

Calathia orbitfolia requires filtered sunlight. It thrives in areas with moderate to high levels of light. But it should be protected from direct sunlight. Direct sunlight burns its leaves or the leaves begin to lose the natural color from the side. It is ideal to place plants near a window with filtered or scattered light.

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North- or east-facing windows are often suitable. Because they provide bright but indirect light throughout the day. If the plant is exposed to low light conditions, it results in decreased growth and less vibrant leaves. On the other hand, intense, direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. It's important to strike a balance and find a place in your home. Which provides the right amount of shine without exposing the plant to direct sunlight.


Calathea orbifolia prefers warm temperatures similar to those of its native tropical habitat. Ideally, it thrives in temperatures between 65 °F (18 °C) and 80 °F (27 °C). It is important to avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 60 °F (15 °C). Because it can damage or even die the plant completely in cold conditions.

If your house is near such a place where there is continuous cold or continuous heat. So this plant will not like your home. Maintaining a consistent temperature is also beneficial to the overall health of the plant. Drastic temperature fluctuations, such as cold drafts or sudden temperature drops, stress the plant and may cause leaf discoloration or curling. 

Water Requirement

Calathea orbifolia requires proper watering to thrive and maintain its health. It prefers consistently moist soil. Water the plant when the top inch (1.5 to 2.5 cm) of soil feels dry. You can water once or twice a week depending on the climatic conditions of your home. And keep in mind that the soil should not dry completely due to lack of water. Because this can lead to stress and leaf curling.

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Moisten the soil thoroughly when potting. You give water until the water starts coming out from the bottom of the pot. And keep in mind that extra water should not accumulate in the saucer or tray of the utensil. This prevents the plant from sitting in water and problems like root rot arise.

Calathea orbifolia prefers water that is free of chlorine and other chemicals. If your tap water contains chlorine, leave it out in the open air overnight and then water it. Another solution can be to use filtered water before watering the plant, it is more beneficial. And the third solution is to use water by maintaining the water temperature around room temperature. Because too much cold water can shock the roots.

Calathea orbifolia leaves are sensitive to both underwatering and overwatering. If the soil becomes too dry, the leaf edges may turn brown and crisp. On the other hand, if the soil is consistently wet or waterlogged, the plant may develop root rot, which can cause leaves to yellow. It is important to strike a balance between moist soil and proper drainage.


Calathea orbifolia is a tropical plant that thrives in similar high humidity environments. Here's how you can provide ideal humidity conditions for your Calathea orbifolia:

Room humidity: Calathea orbifolia prefers a humidity level of around 50% or higher. If the air in your home is naturally dry, especially during the winter months when indoor heating can lower humidity levels, increasing the humidity in the area around the plant is beneficial.

Misting: Misting the leaves of your Calathea orbifolia regularly can help increase humidity. Fill a spray bottle with room temperature water and mist the leaves, taking care not to over-soak them. Mist in the morning to allow enough time for the leaves to dry before the cooler temperatures of the evening.

Grouping of plants: If you have other indoor plants in your house, you can keep moving with them, this will help the plant to create a small humid environment. Plants release moisture through their leaves through a process called transpiration, which increases the humidity in the area. Group your plants together to create a mini greenhouse effect.

Humidifier: Using a humidifier can create consistent and consistent humidity levels for your Calathea orbifolia. Install a humidifier in the same room as the plant, especially in dry climates or during winter when central heating reduces humidity. Adjust the humidifier settings to keep the humidity level around 50% or higher.


 If you are not able to see any desired growth in the plant, then the soil could also be the reason for this. Selecting the right soil for Calathea orbifolia is essential. Ideal soil helps to keep the plant hydrated and retain moisture.

Calathea orbifolia prefers soil that has good drainage to prevent waterlogged conditions. A well-draining soil mix allows excess water to drain out of the pot while retaining enough moisture for the plant's needs.

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orbifolia is a peat-based soil mix. Peat moss helps retain moisture while promoting good drainage. It also provides a slightly acidic pH level that is suitable for the plant. Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to the soil mix improves its structure and fertility.

Organic matter helps retain moisture and increases nutrient availability. and promote beneficial microbial activity in the soil. You can also add perlite or coarse sand to the soil mix. These additives help prevent the soil from becoming too compacted and improve aeration for the roots.


It is necessary to get the necessary nutrients for the healthy growth of the plant. Fertilizing Calathea orbifolia is an important aspect of its care routine. During the growing season, which typically lasts from spring to summer, you can fertilize your Calathea orbifolia every two to four weeks. However, following the specific instructions given by the fertilizer manufacturer is the mark of a wise man.

If you do not understand how to use fertilizer, then you can use fertilizer by dissolving it in water. Dilute the fertilizer to half or a quarter of the recommended strength to avoid over fertilization.
To prevent excess salt build-up in the soil due to fertilizing, keep the soil flushed from time to time. Every few months, water the plant thoroughly, allowing water to flow through the drainage holes and leach out built-up salts. This helps prevent fertilizer burn.

Usage Method:

  1. Make sure the soil is moist before applying fertilizer.
  2. Pour the diluted fertilizer mixture directly onto the soil around the plant.
  3. Take care not to get it on the leaves.
  4. Avoid applying fertilizer to dry soil, as this can damage the roots.
  5. Always follow the directions provided by the fertilizer manufacturer for proper application.

If you prefer to use organic fertilizers, you can opt for slow-release granules or liquid organic fertilizers. During the winter months or when the plant enters a dormant period, typically slowing growth, fertilization is reduced or stopped. Calathea orbifolia naturally goes through a period of rest, and fertilizing during this time may not be necessary or beneficial.


Pruning Calathea orbifolia is generally not necessary for its health, but it is done to remove any damaged or unsightly foliage. If you see any yellowing or browning leaves on your Calathea orbifolia, it is best to remove them. Use clean, sharp scissors to make a clean incision at the base of the affected leaf close to the stem.

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Before and after pruning, it is important to clean your pruning tools to prevent the spread of diseases. Wipe the blades with rubbing alcohol or a solution of one part bleach and nine parts water. This will help prevent transmission of any pathogens.

how to propagate Calathea orbifolia?

how to propagate Calathea orbifolia,propagate Calathea orbifolia,

When you feel that the age of the plant has reached 2 years or more, then you can propagate the plant by dividing the stem cutting.

Division Rule:

  1. First of all collect all the tools that you are going to use during the division.
  2. Then select a healthy Calathea orbifolia plant that has many clumps or branches.
  3. Carefully remove the plant from its pot, gently loosen the soil around the roots, and remove all of the soil from the root.
  4. Gently separate the roots from the bundles. And each root has enough roots and leaves to support itself.
  5. If you feel that some roots are damaged or cannot support themselves, remove such roots.
  6. Plant each division in a separate pot using a well-draining potting mix.
  7. Provide proper care, including watering and maintaining proper lighting and humidity levels.

If you do all the work properly then you will see that the plant will start growing again in happy days and again new leaves will start growing in the plant.

Is Calathea Orbifolia Poisonous To Cats?

No, Calathea orbifolia is not known to be toxic to cats. Like many plants in the Calathea family, Calathea orbifolia does not contain any compounds that would be harmful to cats if ingested. But either helps in purifying the atmosphere and oxygen.

Calathea orbifolia brown edges Solution

Calathea orbifolia is very beautiful to look at but sometimes problems like brown edges on the leaves arise. This can be a sign of various problems. But some reasons are common and if kept in mind then no problem will arise. Here are some common causes and solutions:

  1. Calathea orbifolia prefers high humidity levels. Dry air can cause brown edges on the leaves. Privacy from this infestation can be found by regularly wetting the leaves, keeping a humidifier nearby, and grouping plants together.
  2. Another problem is that over-watering or under-watering can cause leaves to turn brown. Ensure proper drainage in the pot and water the plant when the soil feels slightly dry.
  3. Water Quality: Calathea orbifolia is sensitive to chemicals and minerals in tap water. Use filtered or distilled water to prevent salt and mineral build-up.
  4. Calathea orbifolia prefers warm temperatures between 65–80°F (18–27°C). Exposure to cold drafts or temperatures below 60°F (15°C) causes leaves to turn brown.
  5. Insufficient or excessive light can cause leaves to turn brown. Calathea orbifolia prefers filtered light or partial sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as it can burn the leaves.
  6. Using too much fertilizer can cause leaf burn and brown edges. Make sure you use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.
  7. Leaf browning can also be a symptom of disease or pest infestation. Inspect the plant for signs of pests such as spider mites or fungal diseases.

Calathea orbifolia flower

Calathea orbifolia is known for its showy leaves, but it is not commonly grown for its flowers. Although the plant may produce flowers under certain conditions, it is relatively rare for them to bloom indoors. When Calathea orbifolia flowers, the flowers are small compared to the plant's vibrant leaves. The flowers are usually white or cream in color, and they usually appear on tall stalks. The flowers are often surrounded by colored bracts.

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Calathea orbifolia size

Calathea orbifolia is a popular plant that thrives in slow growing conditions. But gradually it reaches a very large size. In its natural habitat, Calathea orbifolia can reach a height of 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm). However, when grown indoors, it usually reaches a height of about 2 feet (60 cm) or slightly more. depends on how you are providing such distribution

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