How to Care for Calathea Golden Mosaic 'Ctenanthe Lubbersiana'

How to Care for Calathea Golden Mosaic

If you are looking for the best house plant for your home or office, then in this article we will tell you about Calathea Golden Mosaic. to save you time looking for it.

Apart from this, I will tell you in this article how you can take care of it so that it can live longer and fascinate you with its beautiful leaves.

Calathea Golden Mosaic is a house plant known for its rounded leaves and the unique pattern on them. It is a beautiful mix of golden and green color.

About the Calathea Golden Mosaic

Golden Mosaic was first seen in the forests of Brazil. It is an evergreen perennial plant. This plant is related to the prayer plant, which means it follows the rules adopted by human beings. As when the sun rises, its leaves open and bloom upwards. And as night falls its leaves fall.

You can know it by many other names like Ctenanthe lubbersiana, this is its scientific name. Ctenanthe lubbersiana can grow up to 8 inches to 13 inches in height. If you are a beginner who is buying the plant for the first time then no need to worry as it is very easy to take care of.

Quick Detail About the Golden Mosaic 'Ctenanthe lubbersiana'

Family Name: Marantaceae
Scientific Name: Ctenanthe lubbersiana ‘Golden mosaic’
Common Names: Bamburanta
Height: 8 inch to 13 inch as in photo.
Pot size: 5 inch plastic Pot.
Repotting: Repot the received plant in 8 inch pot with good soil media.
Soil Media: 40% Potting Soil + 25% cocopit + 25% Organic manure/Vermicompost + 5% charcoal chips + 5% perlite.
Watering: Only after Soil dries completely.
Placement: Indoor in medium to low light with Good natural Air Circulation/Ventilation.
Sunlight: No direct Sunlight
Typical height: 70 to 100cm
Climate: Prefers tropical and subtropical climate
Light conditions: Part shade / Shade
Growth habit: Clumping
Growing conditions: Moist well-drained soil
Origin: Brazil

How do you care for Calathea Golden Mosaic? 'Ctenanthe Lubbersiana'

Take care of the important things to take care of which you can read here

Light requirement for Ctenanthe Golden Mosaic Plant

As you know that this is an indoor plant, it does not require direct sunlight. You can keep it in such a place of your home or office where there is bright light. As if you keep it near south or west facing window and if your room does not have south or west facing window then you can keep it near north or east facing window but keep it a little far away so that the light does not fall directly on the plant.

After direct contact with sunlight, the color of its leaves may deteriorate and its leaves may start burning from the sides.

How often should I water Calathea Golden Mosaic?

There are several stages of watering the golden mosaic. The plant has a habit of moist soil and prefers to grow in moist soil.

If the summer season is going on then it is necessary that you give more water to the plant, before giving water you can check the condition of the soil in the pot, if the condition of the soil looks dry then you can give water to the plant. Are.

While giving water, keep in mind that there is not much water in the pot, if you are using tap water, then before using it, leave it in the open sky for one night and use it in the morning so that the chemicals present in the water can be removed. destroy element

And if the winter season is going on, then during this season the plant needs less water, then before giving water, feel the soil by touching whether the soil is dry or not, if the soil dries up to one to two inches So in such a situation you give water to the plant.

Temperature and humidity requirement

The plant always needs a similar environment for its natural growth, for this the ideal temperature should be from 16°C to 27°C (60-80˚F). If the temperature goes below 16°C and above 27°C then it is not suitable for the plant.

Keep the plant away from electronic equipment such as heaters, air conditioners, fans, etc., because such equipment affects the surrounding environment, which can harm the plant.

Ensure a humidity of 50 to 70% for the plant, which is very difficult to do in hot summer days. So for this you can use a humidifier if you have a budget, otherwise you can adopt a home remedy, for this you take a tray and fill it with water, then put some small stones in it, after doing this you Place the tray near the plant to control the surrounding environment

If you can't do all this, take the plant to the bathroom or laundry area during the hot summer days.

Soil Requirements for Calathea Golden Mosaic

Calathea Golden Mosaic also requires postic soil, as well as the soil should have the ability to dry water and should have the ability to drain out water in excess.

While making the soil mixer, you should mix the soil in the right proportion, for this you should use Potting Soil, Organic manure, charcoal chips, perlite. Mix it in the proportion of 40% + 25% + 25% + 5% + 5% and use it.

If you have any kind of problem in making clay mixer, then you can tell us by commenting or you can ask us by filling the contact form, we will try to answer you within 24 hours.

Then you can order the soil from your nearest nursery or online. While asking for the soil online, read the description carefully so that later you do not regret for asking for the wrong soil.

Fertilizer requirement of Golden Mosaic 'Ctenanthe Lubbersiana'

By the way, golden mosaic does not require any special fertilizer. But to avoid germs and insects and to make the plant grow quickly, liquid fertilizer can be used every two or three weeks. Fertilizer should be done only in spring or summer, if the weather is in autumn or winter, then these days you can also stop using fertilizers.

In fertilizer, you can use the fertilizer used for any house plant, while putting the fertilizer in the plant, keep it a little away from the root so that the root does not get damaged in any way.

Calathea Golden Mosaic Toxicity

While choosing a house plant, it is always important to keep in mind whether the plant is poisonous or not. Or any kind of unhygienic substance is found in it.

So let us tell you that Golden Mosaic is absolutely non-toxic, no unhygienic substance of any kind is found in it. This Plant Adds A Graceful Beauty To Your Home.

If any member inside the house like children, dog or cat eats its leaves, then there is nothing to be afraid of. This will not cause any kind of problem.

How to Propagate Golden Mosaic Plants?

You can propagate the Golden Mosaic by the division process, for this you have been told some steps below, which you should read carefully.

Step 1: Before dividing, make arrangements for a new pot and soil in advance.

Step 2: First of all, see the plant whether it has become more than one or not, for this, remove a few inches of soil, if you feel that the plant can be divided, then you can take it out of the pot. Take.

Step 3: After taking the plant out of the pot, gently remove the soil thoroughly

Step 4: Separate the small plant from the taproot by gently pulling it, being careful not to pull too hard, otherwise the taproot may be damaged.

Step 5: Plant the plant you have separated in the new pot and make sure that its root is well covered under the soil

Step 6: After this put the value plant again in the same pot from which you took it out.

Step 7: Take good care of the new plant for a few days, when you feel that the plant has completely spread its roots in the soil, then you can treat it in a normal way.

Calathea Golden Mosaic FAQs

Does Calathea Golden Mosaic like full sun?

No, it only needs bright light. It can be damaged by direct sunlight and can cause heavy damage to its leaves.

What is the best fertilizer for Calathea Golden Mosaic?

You can use a fertilizer intended for use with each indoor plant. Keep in mind that use fertilizer only in spring or summer. It can be avoided in autumn or winter.

Why is my Calathea Golden Mosaic dying?

If your Calathea Golden Mosaic is dying, then there can be many reasons for this, such as sudden change in the environment, excessive temperature or work, lack of water or excess of water, or there can be an attack of insects. You can eliminate it by identifying the problem.

Can Calathea Golden Mosaic grow in shade?

No, it is difficult for plants to grow without light. But you can give it 6 - 8 hours of bright light, then this plant can grow without direct sunlight.

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